Dear Admiral,
How do I stay away from Spring Fever?
Springtime is always the best time of the school year! It seems like just about everyone is playing a spring sport, looking forward to the warmer weather, and buying a refreshing Italian-ice at Rita’s. With all of the outside distractions beginning to take a toll on us, we can’t let spring fever get to our heads and forget about what’s most important: SCHOOLWORK. With the plentiful snow days and extended spring break, it seems that many of our assignments and tests have just been pushed further and further back-- until now. This first week back from break has been stressful on all of us and doesn’t seem to be letting up.
If you are feeling overwhelmed while doing your homework, take breaks and maybe exercise outside or simply grab a snack from the pantry. These tricks have been proven to relieve stress, focusing on something more lighthearted and fun. Although, when giving your brain its needed breaks, make sure you are also giving yourself enough time to complete your work as well.
I know seniors are already catching spring fever, but for the rest of us, we need to try our best to stay motivated for the “final push” of the third quarter and keep that same motivation alive until the end of the year!