Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ask The Admiral!

Question of the Week: How do I balance school... and everything else?

By: “The Admiral”

Now that school is in full swing, how do we make time for homework, studying, friends, extra curricular, and, most importantly, ourselves? Well, first thing’s first, take a deep breath and carve out some time to organize yourself in a calm, non-stressful environment. There are four simple steps towards the perfect school year!

Step 1: Set Priorities 
Short-term priorities normally take the most time, and should be done before all else. Longer-term commitments, like completing a big paper or studying for that huge chapter test, should be spaced out over time. Both short and long-term dates should definitely be put in your planner!

Step Two: Set Manageable Goals
Writing an "A+" worthy essay in one night is next to impossible. To write the best essay, you must space it out accordingly, in order to revise it over the next few days. Set a goal to complete an opening paragraph and a concrete thesis done the first day, then do one or two body paragraphs the next. Setting achievable goals are the key to success, leading to more precise work and an incredible sense of accomplishment!

Step Three: Seek Balance
If you find yourself becoming stressed, get up and do something that will relieve you. To relieve stress, some people like to eat a snack, go outside, or talk to friends. Being stressed will negatively you both academically and personally and probably means that you are lacking balance in one aspect of your life. It is also important to know that Mrs. Straub, our guidance counselor, and many other faculty members are willing to help you lift that unwanted eight off of your shoulders!  When feeling overwhelmed, figuring out what your "stress-reliever" is will be key to success.

Step Four: Take Advantage of the Weekends:
The weekends are a great time to rejuvenate yourself from the stressful school week. Use this time wisely to catch up with friends, hang out with your family, or do any hobbies that you love. Planning fun activities to do on the weekend can make the week go by faster, giving you motivation and something to look forward to. 

These four steps will really help you keep balance in your life. If you find yourself losing balance, take a step back and see what needs to be changed. Balance is one of the most important things in life. If your whole life is balanced, then you are on your way to a happy, healthy school year.

If you have a topic you would like to submit, email:  

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